Frequently Asked Questions: Technical Questions

Below is a set of frequently asked technical questions with answers. We are trying to make this list as complete as possible. If you have any questions that you think should be part of this list but is not, please send us an email to If you are looking for general information, please refer to our General FAQ.

How can I allow a user to search for data?
The idea is to provide the user with a search screen in which he/she can enter data to be used in searching for records in one of the tables. This can be done with two procedures: a data entry screen which contains fields whose values the user can specify, and an internal search procedure that will use the values from the entry screen to search the table. The values from the entry screen are referenced as variables.

How can I create a login screen?
A login screen is basically a search screen. What you need is a Users table that contains a UserId field and a Password field. To implement a login screen, you can then create a data entry procedure as the screen in which the user can specify the user id and password, and an internal search procedure which will search the Users table for a matching user id and password. In the search procedure, you can specify which procedure to call if matching records are found, and which procedure to call if no records are found. If a record is found, it means that the login succeeded and you probably want to display a welcome screen. If no records are found, then it means that the login failed and you probably want to show and 'access denied' message or something similar.

How can I add text and color to data entry screens and reports?
You can add customizations to your screens using the header and footer attributes of a module or a procedure. Here, you can add HTML text for anything you want to appear before and after the data. You can add links to images (e.g. a logo), put titles, display introductory paragraphs, add toolbar menus, etc. For instance, to add a simple bold title to your report, simply add something like the following to the header of the report:

<h3>This Is The Report Title</h3>

How can I create custom links to different procedures in a module?
Suppose that you have a module that displays records in a table, and you want to be able to filter and format those records on particular search criteria. Each search criteria requires a different search procedure, and each formatting option (e.g. group by city, or sort by name) requires a different report. A convenient way for the user is to initially display a report containing all the records, and at the bottom have a link to each individual customized report. In addition, each of those customized reports will also have links to all other reports so that the user can switch easily between them.

The above can be implemented easily by placing the proper HTML code in the footer of each report. The HTML can contain either text of images with links to different report. Procedure link variable should be used to obtain the actual links to the procedures. For example:

<a href="[PROC.Report By City]">Group by City</a><br>
<a href="[PROC.Report By Product]">Group by Product</a><br>

The [PROC.Report By City] and [PROC.Report By Product] are procedure link variables that will be replaced with the actual links to the procedures whose names are 'Report By City' and 'Report By Product' respectively.

How can I send data to other websites such as credit card processors?
You may at some point need to send data collected by your online application to another website that provides a particular service. A good example are websites that authorize credit card transactions. If you are selling products using your online application and are taking the customer's order, then you probably want to validate and charge their credit card. You can do this automatically by having send the data to the appropriate website. Many credit card validators processing companies allow you to process the information online through their website. You can send them the required information and they will take care of the rest and give you a confirmation. can easily send the information for processing using a URL Redirection procedure. Suppose the credit card company accepts the following URL for validation: & Card=100203023123 & Expiry=1003 & Amount=400.34 & Confirmation=

The above URL will ask for authorization to validate the credit card of John Smith and charge it the about of 400.34. If the transaction is successful, then the credit card processing website will display the confirm.htm page on your website.

However, the above link only works for one particular transaction. You do not know the name of the customer or any of the other information before the customer orders. You need to extract all that infomation from the order form. You can implement it using variables. For instance, if you want to take orders and process the credit card transaction, you can do the following:

  • Create a table Orders for storing all the orders
  • Create a new module for the order entry and processing
  • The first procedure of the module should be a data entry form procedure. Make sure that the 'Save data permanently' option in the 'Edit Procedure' screen is not checked. You do not want to save the order unless it is approved.
  • The second procedure of the module should be a URL Redirection procedure. The URL will contain the address of the website that will process the transaction and variable references that will include the information required:

    https:///[ORDERS.Name] & Card=[ORDERS.Card] & Expiry=[ORDERS.Expiry] & Amount=[ORDERS.Amount] & Confirmation=[PROC.Confirmation]

    The variables will retrieve the values of the appropriate fields from the Orders table. The [PROC.Confirmation] is the URL of the Confirmation procedure that is defined next.

  • This third procedure should be the confirmation message. You can use an HTML Text procedure for this. The name of this procedure should be 'Confirmation' because that is the name specified in the variable [PROC.Confirmation] above.

How can I make a copy of one of my modules?
If you want to create a module similar to one you already have, then it is useful to be able to duplicate the existing module and make some changes. This is much faster than creating the new module from scratch. gives you the ability to duplicate existing modules. To make of copy of your existing module, edit the design for that module. This can be done my clicking on the 'Modules' option in the toolbar on the left, and then clicking on the bullet to the left of the module in question. At the bottom of the design screen, you will see a 'Copy' button. Click on that button to duplicate the module. All the tables that the module uses will be duplicated also.

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